Brand Introduction
Established in 1992, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCI France Chine) is a non-profit organization, which represents French companies doing business in China. The French Chamber has branches in Beijing, Shanghai and Canton, an office in Shenzhen and representatives in Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Kunming, Qingdao and Zhuhai.
The CCI France Chine is one of the main foreign Chambers in China and the 3rd largest French Chamber in the world.
Our main mission is to advocate all our members’ interests, from the largest companies to SMEs, within the business community, by informing and lobbyingChinese authorities and local decision-makers. Chambers of Commerce and Industry Overseas (CCI France International), consisting of 120 Chambers in 90 countries – of which around 21 are in Asia – representing the most important private network of French companies in the world. As a member of CCI France International, the French Chamber draws together a wide network of contacts and information providers to better support French companies.
The CCI France Chine collaborates closely with the other Chambers in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Moreover, it is an active member of the French Team for Export (in partnership with the French Trade Commission), which is dedicated to promoting French companies in China.
The French Chamber’s membership comprises a network of more than 1,603 member organisations. Its Board of Sponsors consists of 60 groups and companies and the Chamber has a team of 32 permanent French and Chinese staff. As a non-profit organisation, the French Chamber has a steering committee of 30 members.
Address & Contact
Chinese and Pinyin Name: 中国法国工商会
Place Address (English/Pinyin):
Guangzhou: Room 802, 8/F, Leatop Plaza, 32 Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District Guangzhou, 510623, P.R.C 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路32号 利通广场8层02单元 邮政编码: 510623
Shenzhen: Room 218, 2/F Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, Shenzhen Hi-tech Industry Park, Shenzhen 518057, P.R.C.
中国深圳市南山区科技园南区留学生创业大厦2楼218室 邮编:518057
Website: CCI France China’s Website
Place Phone: +86 (20) 2916 5520/+86 (755) 8632 9720
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