With the release of the latest AirPods from Apple, it has been the talk of the town, and the craze to buy continues. It’s sold at US $199, as affordable as it is, however, if you’re on a budget and set to get one at fraction of original price, Huaqiangbei always offers a more wallet friendly solutions out with fake AirPods.
It’s not surprising Huaqiangbei is the birth place to the fake AirPods with its fantastic ecosystem of Chinese electronics. On Chinese yellow page Xianyu, the fake AirPods sold at a small fraction of what the genuine counterparts cost were listed as brand new, original, authentic, etc. You might wonder how dare these sellers list the fake AirPods as new. The biggest reason contributed to the phenomenon is the supercopy 1:1 specifications that make it hard to tell them apart.

Popping up window is used to be an efficient way to tell fake AirPods from genuine ones, however, it doesn’t work at all with enhanced features of supercopy ones.
Then how to tell copy airpods from genuine ones?
At first glance, the packaging of original AirPods and fake AirPods look virtually identical. However, if you check carefully, they do have some differences in details.

The packaging of copy airpods has a rougher touch and a cooler printing tone. The airpods logo embossed is not as accurate s it’s a bit misplaced.

The lettering on the package is a bit bolder than it should be.

The user’s manual is a bit blurred.

The metal port of the lightning cable is roughly made and not as tidy as the original one.

There’s a small color difference between the button on the case and the rest of the case.

The word Wireless is also misprinted with a space in the center Wire less.

The power indicator is also not as intimidating as original one.

The metal rotating shaft is dim and rough while the genuine one is more polished.

The funny part is the printing inside the case 美国苹果公司 (Apple Company in US) is replaced by 中国华强公司 (Huaqiang Company in China).
The sensors in the earphones are fully opened.

The color of the metal net is a bit darker, and it’s impossible to see clearly the shape of inbuilt speaker.
The color of the bottom where it’s used to charge the AirPods is also a bit darker, and you can see cables that are randomly placed.

While opening the case you can hear a “jiji” sound.
Apart from appearance, there’re also some differences in functions.
Pop up window

While connecting airpods to iOs device, the clothing button X would appear on original airpods only for the first time, but on copy counterpart it appears everytime when power on.
Switching of iCloud

Copy AirPods doesn’t support the switching of devices under the same iCloud account. That means when your iPhone is connected to the copy AirPods, it can not be automatically detected from Marc’s list of voice output device, neither would it display of the usage of battery.
Changing names of devices
The names of devices can not be customized on copy Airpods.
Find AirPods

Copy AirPods would not appear in Find iPhone app, neither does it come with GPS, and remote broadcasting function.
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